
This guide should get you started with Dashboard service. By the end of this guide, you should be able to publish HMI data and see it on Dashboard. This guide demonstrates a simple Dashboard that shows the status of an air conditioner. The Dashboard contains a power indicator lamp and two values representing the target temperature and the current temperature.

Dashboard of an air conditioner

You need to prepare these in advance:

  1. A cMT X Series HMI
  2. A Windows PC with EasyBuilder Pro V6.06.02 or later installed

There are six main steps involved:

  1. Get a Weincloud Domain
  2. Activate Weincloud Dashboard
  3. Configure Data Source tags
  4. Map Data Source tags to device addresses
  5. Make a Dashboard
  6. Publish a Dashboard

Dashboard is a service contained in Weincloud; therefore, you need a Weincloud domain in order to use the Dashboard service.

To access the domain management system,

For access of Global server: https://www.weincloud.net/

For access of China server: https://www.weincloud.net.cn/


If you do not have a Weincloud domain or wish to get a new domain, click Register in the Login window to register for one.

Information required for domain registration

After you fill out the required information and click Register, the system will send a confirmation email. Follow the directions in the email to confirm registration. Having successfully created a domain, you can log in as an administrator, where username=admin.

After you log in Weincloud, please see Activation of Dashboard about how to add an HMI into the domain and activate Dashboard service.

If this is your first time using Dashboard service, you are encouraged to use the 90-day free trial.

In the Weincloud Dashboard's Data Source tab, locate the HMI added in the previous step. Select this HMI and follow the steps below to configure the data source:

  1. Click [Add Tag]. Name the added tag "power", set the data type to "Boolean", and leave the rest unchanged.
  2. Click [Add Tag]. Name the added tag "set-temp", set the data type to "Float", uncheck the decimal point position as well as upper and lower limit settings, and leave the rest unchanged.
  3. Click [Add Tag]. Name the added tag "current-temp", set the data type to "Float", uncheck the decimal point position as well as upper and lower limit settings, and leave the rest unchanged.

Tag Editor

In EasyBuilder Pro open a cMT X project, open [Weincloud] tab, select a server, and then click [Dashboard]. Click [Login] and enter the domain name and login credentials.

Weincloud server settings

In Dashboard settings window click [Sync], and in the window that follows, select the HMI for which you have created tags in the last step, and then click [Sync]. The list of tags added during the last step should be downloaded from the server and shown here. Click [OK] to confirm.

Import Data Source tags

At the first time the Data Source tags are imported, they are mapped to some default addresses (e.g. LB/LW-0). At this point, double click on each tag and map each tag to the desired device address.

Map each tag to a device address

In this demonstration, the HMI communicates with the air conditioner via Modbus RTU protocol. The Data Source tags in Weincloud are mapped respectively to 0x-100, 4x-100, and 4x-200 addresses.

You may test settings above with an actual HMI by downloading the project to HMI.

After that, open a browser on PC, log in Weincloud, and open Data Source tab from which you can find the status of the tags are [Online] and the real-time values are displayed (there may be a short delay).

Status and values reflect successful HMI connection

Congratulations, the statuses have been successfully synced to Weincloud. The last step is to display the data on a dashboard.

If the status of the Data Source tag stays [Offline], please see Trouble Shooting.

In Weincloud » Dashboard »Project click [+ Create New Project] and enter a project name. You will be directed to the dashboard editing screen. The widgets (a, b, c, d) used in this project are configured as shown below:

Configure widgets

  1. The “Air Conditioner” Label
    • Drag a “Label” widget to the canvas.
    • Configure this widget as below.
  2. The “Power” Lamp
    • Drag a “Lamp” widget to the canvas.
    • Configure this widget as below.
  3. The “set-temp” Value
    • Drag a “Value” widget to the canvas.
    • Configure this widget as below.
  4. The “current-temp” Value
    1. Drag a “Value” widget to the canvas.
    2. Configure this widget as below.

Once finished, use Preview to see the result.

Preview of dashboard

If the Dashboard looks fine in preview, click [Publish], select [Anyone with the link can view], and then click [Copy link] to generate a dashboard link that can be shared.

Publish the dashboard/Generate a link

If you wish to share this dashboard with a specific user in the domain, select [Specific user].